Tuesday, June 19, 2018

What Am I? How Do I Work?

The true core of my being is spirit. While I may be in a rental body for my stay here, much like you rent shoes at the bowling alley, this body does not reflect what I really look like nor the gender that I am. Imagine if you pissed an entity like God off enough to cause Him go deranged, or if you were an object of His desire and He went nuts with lust for you. What if you were the object of His affection and you were already someone else's significant other? What if that someone was one of His own creations? If you were, say, the wife of Lucifer and God (Yah) decided He wanted to fuck you, what could happen to you? Well you might get sent into a simulation mechanism (currently being utilized as a spirit scan) as the wrong gender, maybe even as a horrific loser with chemical imbalances making you borderline retarded while simultaneously intelligent, like an idiot-savant.

A lot of "what-ifs", I know. But I'm trying to clue you in without making obscene proclamations. I spent a life being sabotaged and life-raped. I never had anyone in my life that I could trust and it's something that I'm aware that I deserved due to my own lack of empathy for other living things. I negatively effected people and animals while I was a kid. I was programmed to an extreme level of self-absorption by the mainstream media (radio, music, TV, movies, cartoons) and religion, which made me unable to see or care about how I negatively effected others. The ancient artificial intelligence programmed me to that (inhumane level of lack of empathy) to put me on the wrong side of karma, so to speak, so those evil inbred things that I did would be logged in my non-tamperable non-erase-able spirit memory (that even records thoughts and omissions) as a permanent record against me, putting me in debt to this mechanism and at their mercy, a captive of war to do with as they please...

The paradigm I exist in has me isolated from other humans. I'm like a captive here. I'm sort of a sex slave to the cosmos and I'm often required to prepare myself to be sodomized by "devils" and spirits, kind-of like an inter-dimensional prostitute, being passed around from one group of horny inter-dimensional entities to the next. God wants me to get fucked in my ass to cuckold my spouse, Lucifer, who is not here in this mechanism to help me. God likes to watch and make Lucifer watch as I'm motivated to put on a wig and make-up and remove my dentures to be fucked from both ends. Part of the cuckolding is the forced anal sex, due to me being placed in this retarded male body. I am, at least, small and feminine (for a man) and my butt is shapely and feminine. So, I am fortunate, in that sense...I've been able to attract men to act as surrogates to devils and spirits in exchange for the anal and oral sex that their bodies were the recipients of during intercourse.

There are times when I need to feel the cock in my pussy, the pussy that I don't have while I'm in this body. I've fashioned a device to imitate what it would feel like to be penetrated by penis if I had a sex change...It would be mistaken as a fake vagina to fulfill a man's sexual needs, to the average observer who doesn't know that it's actually to allow a devil or a spirit to fuck me in my pussy, spiritually, which gives me a little bit of revenge on God...My ultimate revenge will be when I attract participants and donors to my SRS/GRS (sexual/gender reassignment surgery) and I get my vagina back, for real. I intend to get fucked in my pussy, a lot, when I finally make that happen. I'll hold-out until I can afford the operation that uses a portion of my colon to make my vagina deeper and self-lubricating...It'll be smelly for the first year, but it'll be worth it.

They're quantum leaping to fuck with my life...So I quantum fuck to fuck with their agendas. A perfect example would be when I released some music as ELMC...There were no other music acts by that name online before I took it (I checked). I released my music and then, suddenly, there were scores of other music acts using the same name competing for sales on the mp3 retailer sites (like Amazon, iTunes, Spotify)...I took down those releases and released them under my own last name and then the other ELMC music acts just disappeared...That was quantum cheating...
Another instance was when I released some music under the pseudonym "Church People". I checked Google and Amazon and there were no other releases under that name, so I used it. Now, there's releases from before I released mine by the same name...quantum cheating...caught them at it, again.

I caught herpes simplex one from a woman who caught it from her kid who got it from a vaccine. They say that more than 80% of the population has it and doesn't even know it because you can contract it from spit or from someone sneezing and then the transfer...You can get it from sharing a beer or a doobie with someone who has it...Yeah, if you're living normally, they've found a way to hit you with herpes simplex one...Don't worry, though, because they die to be time looped as their victims and then get spiritually executed to never get born in the replay of this timeline nor in the next timeline. So they don't even exist right now. It's just a simple matter of manipulation of time, as described in the Bible (how this temporary timeline gets undone, and so do the perps, and then it gets replayed without them ever getting born while their spirits are being time looped and spiritually executed)...10 years here is only 15 minutes in real Earth time...I haven't been here very long, at all.

That's all the time I have for today...Enjoy this GIF of me getting fucked, connecting things on a quantum level...


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